
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2 years ago... the best thing in the world happened to me...

exactly 2 years ago this very day was the first day i met who would end up being my most favorite person in the whole world....

photo by the amazingly talented Lena

I will let her yelp review of the retelling of the day we met take you through that fateful day 2 years ago... (with my comments in between) this is just a repost of my post one year ago but i like putting it back up and smiling each time i read it

Date: June 22, 2008
Location: McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, NV

It was a typical Sunday at work. I was at the counter working as fast as I could to get everyone checked in and on their way to the gate. Something happened and I had been forced to logout and the comp just showed a OUT OF SERVICE message. I had never seen this before and after calling the Help Desk they advised me that they were working on it. In the meantime.. I was forced out into the lobby.
Photo of lena d.

just my luck that the real reason why you and i crossed paths was due to a computer crash... haha... that has my life written all over it... (BSOD FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!)

The lobby isn't bad.. its just kinda lame when there's no one out there to help. You look like a little lost puppy and you become the information booth for everyone entering the airport. (arf-arf?) Anyway.. this particular weekend seemed like it was THE weekend for bachelors and bachelorettes to celebrate. The morning was filled with groups dragging their feet through our lobby trying to muster up enough energy to check-in. It was entertaining...

There was a lull.. then he walked in. I smiled. He smiled back. He strolled up with his luggage tag and I helped him pull it off. I waited with him until a counter opened up. He asked me where I was from.. and I pointed to the Flight Information Display Screen.
i thought u were pointing at like... behind the counter... like u were trying to be smart... heh... then i quickly realized u were pointing at SFO... i didn't know exactly what that meant yet so i had to ask... "ur from the city?" (only a true bay area peeps would be able to answer that back...) i would like to point out that you were looking very pretty in ur hottie airport uniform... =P and then i noticed the dimples (or i thought it was dimples) and made the notion to check u out as ninja as i could be...

Let me explain.. the only place we flew to in the summer with SFO. I always got a kick out of "magically" knowing where all our guests were going. My favorite response was, "How did you know?? Do I look like I'm going to San Francisco?!" I always laughed and pointed to the screen behind me reading San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco... then it made sense.
still took me a while.... =( i blame the bottle service from 8 hours prior to us meeting.... >.<

So.. back to the story. He didn't get it. I had to tell him. He felt silly for not noticing the display only showing San Francisco. (my brain wasn't working!!!!!!!!) A few counters opened up and our conversation was cut short. He stood to the side as the rest of his friends were helped.. and I felt I needed to continue the friendly chitchat. (thank you for doing so... otherwise i would have looked the total fool for just standing there telling all my friends to just meet up w/ me outside the line...) He asked me how often I went to the city and after finding out I went quite often.. He asked "Do you wanna hang out sometime?" LAME I know.. but how could I say no? (LAME?!?!?! more like... how about very subtle and honest?? i have no lines.... unless lameness is my game... like u said... how could u say no to something so lamez?? *sighs* well, at least it worked.... everyone else can ridicule me for this later...) He asked for my number and he put it in his phone. I noticed he had the LG Prada which is a phone I had drooled over since the first time I saw it online. Bonus pts!
i owe johnny 1 point for this one for lettting me use it that weekend... really it's cuz i didn't want to lose my more expensive BlackJack II that weekend, so i instead used a more expensive but FREE phone for that weekend that had the nice WoW factor to it.... looks like it worked also... =P

A group walked up and I excused myself to assist them. I returned to the friendly stranger with the cool phone. He then said,

"Uhh.. by the way.. my name is ______." (Let's call him The Pook) (adrian)
2006-08-19 Flower XT 007

At that very moment I realized that he realized that he had asked for my number, AND I gave it to him.........without knowing each others names! I looked down in shame and saw my name bar on my badge holder.. and lifted it to show my name. (i didn't look at the badge because i didn't want to make it look like i was staring at ur chest.... i just heard u say LEE-NAH and just spelled it in my head...) I think we both were laughing on the inside... but had to keep it there so we wouldn't show how embarrassed we were. At that very moment.. his friend walked by and said, "The first thing he noticed were your dimples" and I gave him brownie pts for the perfect timing. I pointed out that I only have one dimple and he pretended to be interested. lol...
i owe johnny a second point for this one.... maybe i should buy him a beer for this....

To this day I still think he had it all planned out. But he doesn't think so because who asks for someone's number without getting their name?... but who is silly enough to actually give it. Lol..
like i said... our plan is to never have a plan.... its so.... unplanned, that it may come off as planned... but the beauty of it is its never planned nor can we ever do it over again.... we're the king of improv...

He went on his way to the gate and my computer was fixed so I went behind the counter. Just minutes later I received a text. (i spelled ur name Lina and u had to correct me on the next text... lol) The following day was my birthday and he wanted to hang out if I made way over there. Unfortunately the following day was also the beginning of many many delays caused by the smoke from the fires in Napa and I wasn't able to make it out for a while. I called him to let him know and the rest is pretty much history.
what was supposed to be a 2 minute call telling me that you won't be coming into town turned into a 1.5 hour convo before u headed out that night.... since then we've spoken on the phone every day when u walked to work at 7:30am in the morning....

Although it was tough living in different states.. we got through all the bumpies. I visited practically every week on my days off and he came when he could.

she hearts me in that picture above... =P

and i only came to vegas one time... unless u count the second time when i flew to help u drive ur stuff back... =P but that one time was a great one... we had red mango and i found u at the airport wearing ur Alex Smith Niners Jersey.... haha... too bad he was cut that very week...

He even took me to Hawaii for the first time. It was the perfect vacation.. and the location he finally asked me to be his gf. I know it's a little high school.. but I've always needed to be asked. I never assume.

i was wanting to ask for the past 3 days but i wanted to hold it in until we got to hawaii... once we entered our room i just went and did it.... after that..... here we are now... =)

The week of Thanksgiving I was given the opportunity to go on temp duty at HQ and I said yes in a heartbeat! His Christmas wish came true and I was able to stay for the holidays. A month later I was offered a permanent postion and we have never been happier.
thank you again for making that happen.... best christmas gift... EVER


and that's pretty much how it all happened between her and i... since then her and i have been happily together and i couldn't see myself happier with anyone else...

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