
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Another game beaten

WOOT!!!! the ball's rolling again.... i just beat God of War

final verdict.... it was aight... maybe i'm spoiled cuz i'm playing current generation games also but that's not entirely true because earlier this year i just beat Metroid Prime and thought that game was phenomenal.... this game was cool... challenging, but at times.... just downright frustrating and stupid.... how do you jump and not have a shadow? i'm not nitpicky about graphics but this is a SERIOUS need when u are doing platforming games... when you jump... ur shadow tells u where u are relative to the ground... so when ur jumping on a platform you know where u are going to land.... this game had NO shadows... if i had a nickel for every time i over jumped a platform and plummeted to my doom..... *sighs* o well.. game's over... i enjoyed it.. and now on to my next games....

lets see....

according to my list i keep on my phone next in line is:

Resistence 2
Killzone 2
Mass Effect
or Metroid Prime Echoes

i try to switch between current generation and previous generation game... that way i don't get spoiled and i appreciate my current games as well...

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