
Sunday, August 22, 2010

i still don't know how to use this

i encountered this challenge 6 years ago and came across it once again a few weeks ago...

still don't know what's the proper way to go about using it....

things that go through my mind:

1. "which way do i face?"
2. "am i supposed to completely take off my pants?"
3. "am i going to miss?"


Karina said...

1) face away from the hole.
2) you don't completely take off your pants
3) you're only going to miss if you hold your pipi forward and away from everything

Notes for success:
1) make sure you firmly hold on to your jacket and/or loose items. You don't want anything touching the floor.
2) Make sure your footing is secure
3) Don't use with an erection.

Unknown said...

when i meant miss... i meant by number 2... not number 1...

and my response to succes 3) AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *SPRAYED IN THE FACE*

Unknown said...

and as far as facing "away from the hole" what if the hole is in the center of said device? then any direction is really "facing away from the hole"