
Thursday, October 07, 2010

my glee dream

i just woke up and the only reason why i woke up was because the window was open and it got a little chilly in my room

anyhow the memory is still fresh and i figured it was a pretty interesting dream to share with everyone:

i had a dream that i was a student a McKinly High and was part of the glee club. i wasn't one of the singers (as i could not sing) rather i was like mike chang where i'm usually the backup dancers who add some pizaz and street cred to the glee club....

anyhow, i've also been watching veronica mars and the show pretty much revolves around veronica mars being a sleuthy detective solving mysteries in 40 minutes or less... anyhow, the mystery in my dream is that someone sabotaged our club and get us kicked out of the drama room where we normally practice. the usual bunch was there, quin, puck, finn, rachel and the whole gang.... along with 2 other characters i had never seen before... if any of you have watched glee, then one of the new students was like a highschool version of april rhodes and a highschool version of teri (will's ex-wife) and the mystery revolved around them or i being the culprit.

sneaking into the drama club in the middle of the night i concluded that whoever did what they did to sabotage our club was wearing red heels (how could i find a clue about the color of the shoe i have no idea) and seeing as how i don't wear red heels, i knew i was safe....

the next day the evidence broke out and we were not sure who it was, but it was definitely a girl... trying to match handwriting was a bit tougher than i thought (especially since ur not supposed to be able to read in your dreams) i think i saw what was supposed to be an "i" and an "a" and trying to match the handwriting the next day at school... fastforward to the end of the day and trying to get out of school through the parking lot was like a death wish... everyone parents and kids alike cramming out of one exit (poor design planning which i had pointed out)

instead of practicing at the drama room we're now stuck to practicing at eachother's houses... but this practice was without mr. shue, instead we went to someone house and started practicing dances and singing (kinda like when i was back in my dance club) anyhow, someone put on the newest usher song (no, it's not OMG) it was like a slow version of confessions and we had to come up with a dance routine. i specifically remember putting up my HD mino video recorder on a counter to record us as we dance... then...


woke up.. here i am.... wondering what time it was (i have a doctor's appt at 8:30) and i fell asleep doing work... o noes.... not good....

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