
Friday, July 20, 2012

Calvin and Hobbes: Knowledge can be too much power

it's 6am in the morning and only 4 hours of sleep again last night.  i had a very poignant response written down that i wanted to get out of my system in relation to the comic strip above, but thought better of myself and ended up deleting it all.

with each Calvin and Hobbes strip I try and dissect what Watterson was trying to tell us and it's funny that so many things I know today; whether it be something i learned in church, at school, in philosophy, or hell... even Spiderman 2, it turns out Bill Watterson had already exposed it to me as a child when i read through all his comics.

see this is why I absolutely love calvin and hobbes.  i could re-read the strips over and over again and find something that i understood to be funny but also now understanding what he was trying to satirically convey through his work.

the more and more i read through it, the more and more i'm beginning to see the deeper side to a lot of his work... and when it all boils down to it you can view these strips as such:

Watterson based his characters off of two people in history, a theological by the name of John Calvin and a philosopher by the name of Thomas Hobbes.

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