
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Emotion 98.3

you know what i've been reminiscing about lately?  the 80's... haha, well that's a given, but also one of my most favorite video games of all time (not many people know this about me) but you know how much i love the 80's right?  well what's better than a movie BASED on the 80's....

I present to you:

Grand Theft Auto:  Vice City

For anyone who's ever played any of the GTA series this has to be by far the best in the series... the comical fanfair in it, the parallels to Scarface the movie, and possibly the best soundtrack in the series as well... one of the radio stations is all 80's music and is played by the hilarious DJ:  Fernando Martinez... whenever i play this game and i enter the vehicle, even in the middle of a car chase i will switch the radio station to this station LOL.... GTA's radio stations had to be one of the best in any game ever

"Emotion 98.3..... We give you emotion 24/7..... not just once a month....."   LOL

if you have time to spare i URGE you to listen to this radio station... then imagine driving in a motorcycle into the sunset in GTA or flying a helicopter in the afternoon sun like in the picture-postcard screenshot above

haha... after listening to it again i can't help but put a face to the voice and no offense to the artists drawing above but the person that pops into my head is either the Dos Equis guy.....

of from The League:   Bro Lo El Cunado

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