there was a time that phrase alone had a good amount of weight to it, but now it bears absolutely no expectations whatsoever. Last night i watched Red Tails for the first time, i've been holding off on it because of the poor review's it's had but last night i didn't have any other movie to watch and didn't want to start another TV show for some reason.
So i fired up HBO GO and watched Red Tails and this movie failed on so many levels. The action sequences were cool, it's a movie about dogfighting which was my initial draw with the movie in the first place. The acting and the actor's weren't that bad (save for NeYo.... note to self... anytime an RnB or pop star is starring in a movie, walk in with ZERO expectations... case in point.... Rihanna in Battleships) but the script was absolute garbage!!! i don't know what was worse, the horrible script or the horrible director who chose piss-poor scenes to properly convey his character development for his actors. Granted the actors tried to make-do with what they had but the pacing was all off, in no way did i feel any connection with any of the characters to want to rally by their side. Even when the movie tried to touch on some racy subjects and all of a sudden the minority group of airmen are drinking shots with the white folks like all is fine and dandy? i didn't get the sense that they had won the respect of equality proud for my country for seeing beyond the colors of the skin and fight equally among eachother. again, piss poor direction, and the director should be ashamed of himself for taking a great moment in american history and just completely blowing by it all together. the sad attempt of inserting a love story in the movie just made it blatantly obvious how the movie was going to end, and of course the young-gun character was completely unnecessary with almost no development.
oh and one gripe, now these two are great actors... but why WHY cast Terrance Howard and Cuba Gooding Jr. in the same movie? I swear, and i know i'm not the only one, who has mistaken them for eachother in previous movies, and then have them acting together and standing side by side?!?!

this movie could have been great; SHOULD have been great, but it fell flat so fast and never really gripped me at all. George Lucas you are falling into the same category as M. Night Shyamalan and Michael Bay for me. welcome to my Hollywood shitlist....
i was contemplating watching After Earth last night too and it seems like i couldn't have won with either movie... both were a sucky choice and i want my 2 hours of my life back...
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