alright alright... by now, you've probably read one of my many theories about Inception and probably know about the ending and Cobb's REAL totem right?
This video was sent to me today and even though it confirmed what i had already believed in for years regarding the movie, it also made me question the validity to both my claim and this video's claim.
Warning, this may seem a little far-fetched, and it probably was not the intention of Christopher Nolan but hear me out and it COULD be plausible, even though it's most likely not how it's supposed to be. Alright, i think that's deep enough down this post that if you're still reading this and have not seen Inception, i'm just going to straight up spoil it left and right. Cobb wears his ring when he's in the dream world, but it is noticeably gone when he's in the real world. Now, i always thought this is because his wedding ring was his real totem to allow him to decipher whether he was really in the dream world or in reality. But just think about that for a moment. Was that REALLY his totem? Did he ever use his ring to remind him if he was in the real world or not? He inherited his wife's totem but just hear me out, i don't believe the ring is Cobb's way of knowing if he's in the real world or not. This video brought to my attention the actual reason why through the whole movie we see Cobb with a wedding ring in the dream world but not in reality.
In Cobb's mind, he is still married to his wife and chooses to hold on to her and their marriage.
Think about that.
So the reason we see Cobb wearing his ring in the movie is not because Cobb uses it to distinguish from reality and the dream world; but in fact it represents that inside Cobb's mind his self projection of himself is a man that is still Married to his wife and is holding on to her, keeping her alive in his mind thus keeping himself married.
Now, fast forward to the end of the movie when everyone is waking up from their dreams. The limbo scene where Cobb and Ariadne traverse down to save Fisher and bring him back up one level. In that scene Mal gets shot by Ariadne and then jumps up leaving Cobb and a dying dream-version of Mal in limbo. But what happens in that scene? He lets go of Mal and the though of keeping her alive. He finally "moves on" in that very moment and she no longer haunts him.
What do you think happens when someone moves on? As someone who has had to "move on" a fair number of times in his life, i'll tell you. you no longer see that other person as a part of your life. they are a memory of good or bad times, however you wish to store it in your mind, but now? now they are nothing more than a stranger to you and you move on and realize that it's over.
What do you think Cobb will see again the next time he "dreams" now that he has gotten over his wife in that one scene? Will his subconscious still consider himself married? Is he still trying to cling on to his marriage and his wife? The guilt over what he did to her? Or did he finally let go.....
If he let go.... then the ring shouldn't be there the next time he dreams...
which now brings me back to my original theory and this video.... which throws the whole ending back into "limbo".... is Cobb actually in the real world? OR is he dreaming again of a world where he has finally let go of the guilt from his wife (no more ring) and can once again go home to see his children....

and then i realized that in limbo when he's going after Saito in the beginning and the ending of the movie after he's supposedly let go of his wife and his guilt he's still wearing his ring.... so....

like i said.... almost plausible... almost believable... but in the end Chris Nolan is still smarter than all of us...
btw... i absolutely love this movie... think i'll watch it again on full blast over the weekend...
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