
Monday, February 24, 2014

Appreciate it for more than it actually is...

as many of you know (if you haven't already) i love to rewatch movies... oftentimes i like to fill my time with mindless moments, but if you've ever sat with me to watch a movie i've already watched you'll notice something.  i'm almost always paying full attention to the movie.  I prefer no talking in movies (but i'm fairly lenient towards the fact unless it's a movie i've never seen before) and the usual reason for that?

i LOVE film scores...

i think music is such a huge part about a movie and if you've ever sat down and listened to any of the classic film scores of our days past, you can practically play the movie in your head while closing your eyes listening to any of these songs.

Now this is only 10 of the best, but I mean, the Dark Knight series, Inception (BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.... BUAAAAMMMMMMMMM), Forest Gump's theme, and a host of a zillion other movies should belong in this list.

It's the reason why i invest in a speaker system, and a home theater box that fully brings to life the original film's score.  as much as everyone loves Dolby Digital or DTS sound formats, the true way to listen to alot of these film scores is through an uncompressed PCM format which I didn't know until i got my new home theater system and I will admit, it makes a HUGE difference in what you hear.

i'll probably watch all the movies i've already seen now a billion times over in my lifetime, and it will always ring true to my ears and never gets old.  just like people can listen to some songs over again, i do the same with my eyes and ears for rewatching some of the most iconic pieces from when we grew up.

Here's a playlist I quickly made of some very iconic movie film scores:

Film Scores by Adrian on Grooveshark

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