so i got home, both me and Ella were hanging around and at this moment when I am sitting in my couch completely comfortable and relaxed are the moments when I am in the mood to watch a good movie. now for those that know me, trying to figure out what movie to watch can be a very lengthy chore. do i want to laugh? do i want to cry? (yes, that happens sometimes) do i want to try and figure something out before the movie presents the answer to me? do i want eye-candy and watch something visually stunning? or do i just want to be mindlessly entertained with action and gore? i tell you there are more questions that go through my head than just that when it comes to trying to figure out what movie i want to watch.
finally, after a lengthy thought process with just me and myself, i settled on continuing my journey of watching all nominated movies for "best movie" from last year and fired up HBO GO to watch Life of Pi.

walking into this movie, i had no idea what to expect. i know it was a visually stunning movie and some of my friends even spoiled a few things for me which i don't think was really a spoiler at the end because their statements are nothing more than their interpretation of the movie. kind of like Inception where you don't really know what happens in the end, but everyone makes up their own reality version of it... even tho, its BLATANTLY obvious how it ends if you watched closely enough, but i'll leave that to another post. i also half-expected the movie to be nothing more than Castaway with the tiger as Wilson, and to a certain degree it was, and yet so much more when it ended. it maybe had the same effects or parallels between the two movies, but the takeaway from Life of Pi far outweighs that in Castaway.
the movie was visually amazing. Part of the reason why i've been holding off on watching this movie was because I wanted to see it in full HD and not some dvd version of XBMC. I didn't feel i was doing the movie justice at that point and after having seen the movie on my 60 inch and in HD, i regret that i didn't see it on the big screen and in 3D. the movie has the right amount of humor and seriousness. and although the movie starts off slow, i realized, only at the very end that the movie is very much like a chess game. the game starts out slow, only pawns move to set up the battlefield. then once the main part of the story takes place the battle truly begins until at the very end.... checkmate... and i was left in my seat wondering what it was that i just watched and how much time can i spend thinking about it?
what stood out most for me was probably what stood out for most critics. the quote at the end... now, if you intend to watch the movie or read the book, i don't think you should read any further than this... i'm not sure if this really spoils it, but it is a key quote that i think is what hit me the most.... so read on with caution... but if you choose to stop here, know that i am putting a very HIGH recommendation on this movie but it is one of those movies you need to watch with your 100% attention. not a movie you watch with your phone in your hand, your laptop out while you're surfing or working, or while your cleaning... if you want to feel the proper effect from this movie than give it your all and you will not be disappointed...
now.... on to my quote that has been in my head since last night and caused me to wake up an hour before my bike ride JUST to write this blog piece...
I've never forgotten him. Dare I say I miss him? I do. I miss him. I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness of the human heart. I still cannot understand how he could abandon me so unceremoniously, without any sort of goodbye, without looking back even once. The pain is like an axe that chops my heart.
All of life is an act of letting go but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye
i don't think i have to go into very much detail why that quote sticks out to me more than anything else. actually it's something i don't really want to go into and rather let everyone interpret it in their own way but that to me was the piece de resistance of the movie. after the movie, i felt blessed i have found a great compation in ella to be with me through so many life experiences. and i'm not going to lie. the movie and more importantly the quote stood out in my head so much that it had affected my dreams last night. i won't reveal exactly what it was that i dreamed, but i can tell you it was a "cleansing" type of dream... there was a lot of "getting off my chest" moments in my dream and maybe voices were raised or yelled... but it felt good, even if it was only a dream... and so here i am, 6:30am writing a blog post about a movie that i watched the night before that stretched far longer than most movies have done in the pst... the last movie to make me think this much about my own life just so happened to be one of the other "best motion picture" nominations and is the reason i changed the look and the title of my blog: SIlver Linings Playbook.... somehow, both of these movies lived up to their hype and caused me to do the one thing i don't usually expect out of a movie when i'm sitting on my couch trying to decide what type of movie i want to watch that night....
Life of Pi = A+ with the highest recommendation... but please, as i stated before, if you're going to watch the movie, watch it with your 100% attention or don't even bother watching it at all... you won't get the same effect and it's an insult to the movie and the amazing direction it brings to the table...
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