yesterday morning started like every other morning we've had this entire season. two weeks to go until our full century and i schedule a ride to go up Henry Coe Mountain. The very same mountain we did on our first century 2 years ago which also happens to mimic the same exact type of gradient and distance we'll encounter on Mt. Konocti for our next century. The plan was to ride for 30 miles and then start the mountain to try and simulate our energy levels by the time we hit the mountain.
the weather was holding the whole day. there were patchy clouds and a few rain clouds looming but where we were, it was cloudy with patches of blue sky. so we go up the mountain.
an hour and a half up and the clouds begin to roll in... i get a text from my friend that back in san jose it has already started to rain and we were only 30 minutes south of san jose so it was time to head back down...
when the blind turn presented itself it was already too late and i squeezed on my brakes... in my panic perhaps i squeezed too hard out of adrenaline (bad move) in that instance it all happened in a quick blur. i felt my back wheel begin to slip, i immediately let go of my brakes to try and fix myself but it had already slipped too far, my rear wheel slides to my left while my arms keep my handlebars straight, and what do you know... i fly, yes... fly, over my handlebars...
i remember seeing the ground, helplessly not knowing what i can do, too little time to react... i thought i would be closing my eyes but somehow my eyes were open the whole time watching it from my perspective... i saw ground, and then i smacked the ground on my left side, i felt the ground but no pain... i didn't realize my leg was scraping on the road, or that my left shoulder hit the ground as well as my left buttocks... the only thing i realized was my helmet scraping on the road... surprisingly i felt no impact when my helmet hit the road but it must have because my helmet was scraped and cracked... it was as if the helmet absorbed the impact and distributed it evenly around me to the point where there was no feeling at all... i remember the helmet skidding on the road for what seemed like forever, the "teeth clattering" type of skidding and facing to my right i can see my bike flying along with me (luckily not towards me) my bike and i, even though i was clipped in, threw me off so easily... and most likely thankfully... and miraculously stayed away from me as to not cause any further injury... my bike pump flew off my bike and i remember seeing it cross my vision mid-air and mind you, this all happened in a split instance... after my body slowed to a crawl i don't know how or why but i popped back up... i stood up wondering what had just happened.... i looked down my leg was bloodied, i felt a slight pain on my butt and shoulder but i immediately threw off my helmet and ran to my friends aid....
the whole ordeal was eye opening... i walked away with no broken bones... no concussion.... nothing other than road rash on my left leg, a pretty puffy road rash and bruise on my left butt cheek, a tiny road rash on my left shoulder, and an even tinier gash on my left temple... had it not been for my helmet, it would have been my face landing on the ground and grinding on the road... i thanked my helmet... it did it's job... it saved my life and my friend's as well i'm sure... this may have derailed everything we've worked towards this season but it was also a valuable lesson learned and an even greater appreciated for that piece of plastic we put on our heads before we go riding every time...
always wear your helmet... i don't care how goofy you think you look... your life is more important than your looks...

thank you again helmet... it's time to buy a new one, but i'll never forget and i won't throw you away because if it weren't for you... it could have been far far worse yesterday...
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